My New Years Resolutions

Lifestyle: how does the customer FEEL when they use your products? Where do your products take them? Where do they go when they close their eyes and take a taste/smell/feel? And/or how do they use them when they're not at home?:
I have so much stuff on right now and really shouldn't be spending time writing this post, but I'm gonna do it anyway! Guess I'm a rebel. This post is actually more for me than anyone else, it's good to get my thoughts written down clearly so I know what my goals are this year and refer back to them, to anyone reading I highly recommend doing the same.

I'm the sort of person who makes crazy big resolutions and then gives up on them two days later, sound familiar? If the answer is yes, you might want to try what i'm now doing, which isn't to make materialistic goals (things to have, weight etc.) but more personal ones I guess. Sorry I'm not very good at explaining this, I guess you'll just see.

1. Be kind to my body

For too many years I haven't really treated my body well, whether its lack of sleep, not exercising or eating bad food that make my skin break longer! You really only get one for your whole lifetime, which hopefully will be quite a long time so I better start treating it a bit better. I'm never going to be really healthy and I know this, but I will try to make small changes, such as making sure I get my butt to the gym every week, and not eating 3 cookies a day. Oh also exfoliate!

2. Give up jealousy

I have also realized that this is a big factor in my life, although it's hard to recognize, once you do it's much easier to fix. I think the best way to overcome this is to live your own life a fully as you can (get OFF the sofa!) and enjoy it. Also to know that you will never be the same as someone else, and although something they have might seem really great, other aspects of there life are probably not. There are of course always those people who look down on you of make you feel bad, so by all means get out fast! You don't need people like that around you.

3. Have weekly resolutions

I have really bad self control-and I mean really bad! I know if I aim to get abs by the end of this year that will never happen, so I'm just going to take each week as it comes, much less stressful. This week I'm going to workout for the duration of one song every day, doesn't sound that bad right?

4. Go to the gym in just a sports bra and not feel self-conscious.

With leggings too, don't worry! This is probably my main goal, it doesn't say I need to lose 10 pounds, I can achieve this in many ways, both physically and mentally. I will keep you updated when that time comes...

5. Be more sociable

Is that how you spell it? Don't get me wrong I have some really great friends who I love spending time with, but this year I'm starting a new school and to make the best of it I'm gonna have to go outside of my comfort zone which will hopefully make me grow in confidence, I have recently got a job where I work with customers all day, and this really has helped. So my final tip you be, if you are an introvert like me throw yourself into situations you aren't completely comfortable with.

Have fun with your new year resolutions, and remember they can be fun too! Gxx


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