Is this the best low maintenance workout?

I don't like running, team games or anything involving boring sport really. What I do like is being fit, without the mind-numbing boredom of endless cardio. So I mashed up my favorite body weight workout moves (because they get results fast :) to this really easy workout that you can do basically anywhere. No more excuses that you don't have time because you can do this in the shower, and everyone has to shower. So yeah.

Leg and Glutes
1. Fire hydrant x40 each leg

2. Rotating fire hydrant x30 forward, x30 backwards


I do a small routing to music, 16 of each. It is harder than it sounds without a break in between so work your way up or do more!
bent legs
raised knees

straight legs

bicycle crunches

Ok so that's it! Sounds like a lot but will only take you five minutes, promise!


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